Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Excess baggage

In fifty years of life, and thirty one and a half years of marriage, a lot of 'stuff' can accumulate. This 'stuff' creates memories and piles up all over the house. Our house is no different than any other, except Tim and I tend to be pack rats. I have a tendency to hang onto 'stuff'. Some good, and some bad.

Some favorite 'stuff' I have held onto is:
- My dad's wallet that was in his pocket on the day he died. I have kept it just as it was when it was given to me. Inside can still be found pictures of my mom, my brother, my sister, and myself in the accordion plastic file. Other items still in the wallet are: a blank check from dad and mom's checking account with First National Bank, his last AQHA membership card for the year 1980, a business card from Bonds Brangus Farms listing dad as manager, a notarized card dated May 1, 1977 where David Pryor approved his appointment as a law enforcement officer, his drivers license with an expiration date June 30, 1982, an ID card from the Faulkner County Sheriff's Dept. signed by Charles Castleberry, a Faulkner County Law Enforcement officer membership card, and other various cards and documents.
- Hundreds and hundreds of photos. Everyone of them is a treasure, but some how most of them are stored in boxes. Tim has tried to give me the task of putting them on dvd, but there are way too many for me to want to tackle that task. I told him the kids can have that task after I am gone.
- A crown from a children's Christmas play. I asked Tim to dress up as the The Great Late Potentate for a children's Christmas musical, and he agreed. He dressed up in a costume that looked like a purple gown, and there was a crown that perfectly matched his gown. He actually pulled off singing and dancing in a baptist church without getting kicked out. The hat holds a special place in my heart because of his gesture of unconditional kindness and willing spirit.
- Some of my children's teeth they lost when they were young children. (By the way they came in handy when our daughter misplaced her tooth she had just pulled. She was distraught. Remembering the canister holding her previously lost teeth, it was only a few steps away. I opened the canister, and took out a tooth. Going back to where she was still searching for the misplaced tooth, I spoke up "I found it". The tooth fairy never knew the difference.)
- My mom's wedding gown (Don't tell my sister), and a picture of her wearing it with dad at her side. They made a beautiful couple.
- Mom's engagement ring from dad. She received it when he proposed by the old one lane bridge south of Wooster.
- A portrait of Jesus that was hanging over my grandmothers bed on the day she died.
- A couple what-nots from my sister telling me how 'good' of a sister I am. (lol)
- Videos of both sets of my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary.
- A hunk of horse tail cut from my favorite horse. Boss was the best horse for 32 years, until he died. He helped raise my kids.
- A saddle blanket given to me by my dad. It was one of the last things I remember him giving me. Even though it has red fringe on it, I have worn it proudly on different occasions at horse shows.
- A four generation portrait with my grandma, my mom, my daughter, and myself. I'll be forever proud we took the time to have it made.
- A Good News Bible given to me by JoEd Woodward, my Sunday School teacher. The bible reads like a story book. As a kid it was fun to read, and kept me in the Word. There are so many notes in the bible, I like to look at it and see what inspired me at the time.
- For 32 years I carried a card in my wallet. It was the size of a credit card. On the face of the card was a picture of a blue bull. The bulls heart was red and looked like it was about to pound out of his chest. The card read 'My heart enlarges at the sight of you'. It was a card Tim gave me when we were dating. I thought it was the cutest thing. I carried it for 32 years until it got so brittle it was falling apart.
- A pair of my daughter's first black patent shoes she wore to Sunday school as a tiny infant.
- My oldest son's first bible given to him by the pastor that married Tim and I.
- A couple of my youngest son's black vest he wore as a young child. 

Some unfavorite 'stuff' I have held onto is:
- Clothes I have out grown, but keep expecting some day I might wear them again
- Books I started reading, but never finished
- Negativity
- Grudges I should have let go of a long time ago
- Clutter around my house, and in my closets, that sometimes is overwhelming and gets discouraging
- Books and magazines that need to find a new home
- Worn out blankets that obviously have no value and never will
- Broken or worn out pots and pans that have no use
- Guilt of not calling people I care about just to say 'hi' and check on them
- Sorrow of missing a wedding, funeral, memorial service, birthday party, etc.
- An unappreciative heart for a kindness done to me
- Apologies not given
- A bad temper
- Stubbornness

Both the good and bad define who I am, and who we are. We are to live a victorious life for Christ, not one of guilt and condemnation. While we sometimes feel guilty and condemned for the things we do, and have done, with God's forgiving grace we can live a life glorifying to God. If we are designed and made by the Great Creator, don't you think he wants his creation to celebrate life? A few weeks ago I came across a verse that spoke volumes to me. 'He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.' Isaiah 53:5. Something REALLY amazing to me, is the verse was written thousands of years ago and in 2015 it was just what I needed.

The Great Late Potentate's Hat 

 My daughter's shoes from infancy

My oldest son's first bible

 My youngest son's vest from childhood

 My dad's wallet

 My mom's engagement ring

 My children's baby teeth

 A four generation photo with my grandma, mom, and daughter

Bible from JoEd Woodward

1 comment:

  1. Needed more than a Kleenex. God is so good and I am so blessed.
