Sunday, September 18, 2016

Popcorn Heads

Moses was a production I'd wanted to see at Branson's Sight and Sound Theater. A couple times I'd driven thru Branson, MO and seen the signs. I'd also read about it when googling Branson's attractions. Other biblical productions had been performed at Branson's Sight and Sound Theater, and were just as appealing. The opportunity to see one of these productions hadn't ever worked out, until recently one finally presented itself. My daughter, grandson, and I planned to meet in Branson for a weekend. I took the weekend trip as an opportunity to see Moses. We secured tickets on-line, and off to Moses we went. 

It was an early showing, and as the theater filled it looked as if every seat was taken. Our seats were center stage in the upper section. One of the employees told me he thought the section we were in had the best seats. When we got to the section, our seats were the furtherest away from the isle. We had to pass by about 15 people to get to our seats. Each person had to literally stand up to let us pass. The seating was tight. Luckily we did not have to use the restroom during the show.

As we waited for the show to begin, the lights flickered a warning. About 10 minutes later the lights dimmed, and the show began. As we sat there, and things got under way, fog and blue lights illuminated from the stage. For some reason my eyes scanned the audience sitting before us. It was then that I saw the Popcorn Heads. Something about the way the blue lights filled the theater, and mixed with the gray haired people in front of us, caused an illusion for my eyes. A large part of the population that travel to Branson, MO are senior citizens. A large part of the population attending Moses this day were senior citizens. The blue lights illuminating thru the audience's heads caused a visual popcorn effect. It seemed almost every other person had gray hair, and their head seemed to glow with the blue lighting. My heart went soft. I longed for my grandmother with her brilliant gray hair to be in the crowd. She would have been the most beautiful Popcorn Head in the theater. 

As I watch senior citizens, it seems their hearts and minds are turning heavenward. Perhaps this is why a big part of the crowd in attendance to see Moses had gray hair. We grow up hearing the true stories of the Old Testament. We hear of the miracles, workings, and love of God. Sometimes it's not until we turn into a Popcorn Head do we take the time to truly mediate on the significance and truth of scripture.

The miracles, workings, and love of God, are not reserved exclusively for Popcorn Heads. The miracles, workings, and love of God, are for ALL people no matter our age, status in life, race, language we speak, or where we live. Feel free to join the Popcorn Heads that sat in the theater that day. Turn your heart and mind heavenward. See what God has to show you thru His miracles, His work and His love.

Check out the lovely gray heads in the crowd. The blue lighting on stage created the 'Popcorn Heads'.

Don't we need to be more like Popcorn Heads?


  1. Thanks Robin.. Never thought about being a popcorn head but..yes, I am! I love reading your blogs! Keep up the good work...they are such a blessing!

  2. This made me smile. Proud to be a Popcorn Head.
