Friday, January 22, 2016

My Man's Hands

Often I get on 'kicks'. Finding something new that interest me, running with it a while until it fizzles out, and then moving on.  This cycle has created regret sometimes because of not following thru with some of the better ideas. Usually it's something like a new technique, a new craft, a new healthy habit, a new skill, a new hobby, a new attempt at a stay at home job, or even a new social media kick like a blog. About 10 years ago I was on a kick where writing a book sounded like a good idea. I had heard 'everyone has at least one book in them'. The Chicken Soup series of books interested me, and I had a book idea I felt had potential to generate a following as well. My book idea consisted of the title 'My Man's Hands'. Interested people could submit a photo of their man at work, play, or whatever the submitter enjoyed the most about their man. They would submit a story with the photo explaining why they enjoyed their man doing that particular thing. The submitted photo would need to have an emphasis on the hands. The photos and the stories would be compiled into a book, and submitted for publication.

A man uses his hands in a multitude of ways, and I find it romantic. Tim is a good sport, and so he posed his hands for a photo intended for my book. The photo is stuck in an external back up hard drive from an old computer, and so far I've been unable to get it out. If I am successful at retrieving the picture in the near future, I will definitely share it. It is not anything earth shattering. He was a great sport posing for my 'kick' that year, and it definitely deserves a spot in this blog. A couple weeks ago I came across a printed copy of a draft of the intended website. It had been sent to me by the web designer I used to create the website where people could submit their stories. The draft reminded me of my book intentions. It prompted me to track down photos of Tim doing some of the things he does best. I was happy to find my man's hands working, playing, flying, socializing, volunteering, and a multitude of other tasks. I wanted to share the photos because the heart of this man is multi-faceted, and has been a joy to watch over the years.

I know it seems strange to crop the heads off of these photos. I want the focus to be on the hands. The hands of a man are a marvelous thing.

Precise hands at a drafting table completing land surveys.

Passionate hands on 'Ole N5272U'.

Tender hands cut the cake in unison.

Energetic and careful hands make a safe ride for neighborhood kids.

Steadying hands prevent a fall.

Working hands complete many jobs.

Helping hands used at many church functions.

Farming hands for a multitude of tasks. 

Loving hands give Granny a hug.

Compassionate and respectful hands read scripture at Grandpa's funeral.

Guiding hands maneuver a sawmill to precisely cut lumber.

Nurturing hands teach a grandson how to work.

Farming hands plant sorghum for molasses.

Pumping hands provide much needed water for residents of Ghana, West Africa.

Educating hands teach a grandson how to use big boy toys.

Nurturing hands teach a grandson how to be self sufficient.

Volunteering hands share a passion with a grandson.

Mission hands fulfill a desire to serve, by drilling water wells.

Inspecting hands learn about the soil of Africa.

Giving hands take time to provide for some in need.

Cautious hands take mammaw for a ride on a Harley.

Piggy Back hands take his kids for a ride.

The hands of 'my' man are a marvelous thing!

Thessalonians 5:14 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.

Romans 12:11-12 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.

1 comment:

  1. I have never said anything but hands have always been important to me. I can see my fathers hands as he sat at the table in the evenings drinking his coffee or making music on the table. I hold a very strong vision of hands on a belt lying on a gurney. This last vision sometimes I wish I could erase but the love is still there for I knew there was life there.
